ENIS:Audio Dump

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Hey /m/egamouth! Feel you have a golden voice to contribute to Project ENIS? Try out here for the review of your peers!

Also good for BGM samples, compositions, lyrics, arrangements, and other audio-related stuff.

  1. Click "edit" up at the top there.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the window, and type four dashes (-) to create a new line.
  3. Type a description (or whatever).
  4. Type in the download link for the voice sample/bgm/audio file/whatever.
  5. ????
  6. PROFIT!

And please don't delete these instructions or anyone else's suggestions! You may add comments under everybody's suggestions, but don't out right edit any but yours! Have fun!

Unit Background Music
  • Kajmaster Kajet's work

ENIS BGM http://rapidshare.com/files/47745234/Victorious_OVERLOAD.rar