LURKMORE Wiki provided services

From lurkmore wiki
Revision as of 12:09, 17 April 2021 by Kyrio (talk)
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#lurkmore on, port 6667-6669, TLS port 7000-7002
lurkmore webirc
file sharing / 24 hour upload
lurkmore uguu
personal bookmark and archive service
lurkmore wallabag
paste bin
lurkmore pasthis
search engine
lurkmore searx
google translate proxy
lurkmore simplytranslate
pleroma / activitypub, federated / distributed social networking
lurkmore BANE POST
instagram proxy
lurkmore bibliogram
reddit proxy
lurkmore teddit
twitter proxy
lurkmore nitter
youtube proxy
lurkmore invidious
quotes database
lurkmore qdbs
internet radio
lurkmore radio
lurkmore teamspeak server
lurkmore mumble server (currently offline)
lurkmore minetest server