ENIS:Characters/Professor M

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Lion Empire scientist specializing in cybernetics and android technologies, and is cybernetically enhanced himself. He is Ada Zul's father, and was the one who designed the Unicorn System in conjunction with Dr. Dame Olga, his mostly-rival (and sometimes lover). Also designs other android/super-robot/cybernetic soldiers that will face ENIS and the gang, like Predamax. While Dame Olga became an outcast, he has been embraced by the military establishment because of the reliability and stability of his units and designs; though they lack the power levels of Olga's biological weapons, they are easily controlled. Eventually killed in the course of the story.

He has built advanced, personable AI before, notably providing the programming base for Norma. AI are not common within the Lion Empire, being mostly built by tinkerers and inventors and genius programmers, rather than government organizations like in FAP. Thus, they tend to be more human-like and have as many abilities as their programmers allowed them to have. Ada is the most advanced AI in the Lion Empire, with a true personality and sense of self. Think of FAP AI's as Strategy Game/Macross Ghost AI's, Lion Empire AI's are normally on the level of VI's from Mass Effect, and a rare few AI in both empires have true personality and are human-like ala Halo "smart AI," though they aren't based on dead people. Ada and Norma are in the last category.